About Us

About Us

August Technologies has been founded on September 2019 with the view to serve the customers of different areas of needs and requirement for IT products. Having the aim to satisfy customers by providing them with their required products and being true to our motto of opening your options. August Technologies Ltd is taking its rightful position in this highly Competitive IT Sector of Bangladesh. We are serving our customers operated by highly experienced management team as well as creating opportunities for the career oriented fresher’s so that they can be guided and can acquire Knowledge and experience about this IT industry. As we are operating in both B2B and B2C we are fully aware of our duties and responsibilities.

Background of Company

With vast experience of IT industry in Bangladesh, Mr. Imrul Hossain Bhuiyan, managing director of the company wanted to work in this industry to create a sustainable IT infrastructure to serve the country. Bangladesh with a population of 180 million has less than 10% computer penetration whereas mobile access is far superior which is in the region of 70%and above. While the mobile phone penetration is good for some ICT indicator yet without high computer penetration the young generation will not be able to compete at home and abroad at this age of globalization. With this in mind, August Technologies Ltd wants to cater our market with top class products and brands with reasonable and buyable prices. The notion is not only making profit but improving the lives of our younger generation. The company has future plans for manufacturing locally to create more jobs as well as saving our precious foreign currency.


Our business vision is not to become a profit-making company only rather to work together to engage communities, people, customers, employees, and suppliers to achieve common goals in IT development of our nation and by doing so to improve lives.


To be a leading distributor in Bangladesh for IT hardware and software where only the best in class products and services will be traded and distributed. We want to work in such a way that our customers can depend onus with full confidence. Our approach to business is simple: customer first. IT hardware and software business has come a long way in Bangladesh but yet we feel there are huge room for improvement. We’re committed to feel the void through technology, commitment, and hard work.

The Brand That Cares For You

This is August Technologies Ltd! A Brand that is truly concerned about their customers and loyally provide all the needs of the customers. Customers come first to this Company, our customers will receive the best service and deals August Technologies Ltd has to offer. To us our customers' wants and needs take the top priority. We always have and will aim to provide the perfect result to our loyal customers. Come and Experience the service, product and facilities August Technologies Ltd has to offer.